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Spy (2015 film) 女间谍

  本来是冲着Jason Statham和裘花去的,结果看了一个肥姑娘的间谍梦……而且废话好多……怪不得老狐狸一直在宣传,但是不引进的,R级无厘头片,估计只有米国卖得开……另外,裘花真好看!他怎么回事啊!当个配角的电影,头毛和身材都回来了!!这是怎么做到的,开头和结尾他出现的部分是我看得最认真的部分……另外,目前只有韩文硬字版本,而且中译不太好,后半基本靠听……不过无所谓啦,就是这肥姑娘怎么乱来怎么成功……


  Rayna还透露已经知道那些活动的Spy们了,为了安全,包括Rick Ford在内的Spy们都停止活动了。Coop自告奋勇去追踪Rayna,十多年没外勤过的肥姑娘啊,上司Elaine Crocker让她顶了个可笑的伪装身份,就监视和报告,好友Nancy是她的内勤搭档了。Coop走遍欧洲,各种乱来,没想到从与Rayna有关系的Sergio De Luca一路追查,还有渣队友Ford自说自话来加入行动捣乱,更是开了杀人的先河,不过吐在了尸体身上……在Rome的那位联系人Aldo也是本片亮点啊,一口意式英语,还讲的是最近比较流行的意式泡妞台词,真是够了……

  Coop误打误撞在赌场遇到了Rayna,还救了她,证明了有人给她下毒,于是成了Rayna的保镖……一路跑到了布达佩斯,飞机上又救了Rayna……是讽刺各种间谍剧里的道具么,Coop的小道具们都是伪装成治痔疮的……因为失去Coop的联系时间太长,Nancy也到现场来了,这下好了,两人并没有什么经验的姑娘,就在街头枪战中无聊地凭运气拼杀……还发现了CIA的内奸:一开始在酒吧里十分光鲜的美女间谍Karen Walker(这不是哥谭的新法医吗……

  快结束了,Fine终于又出现了!他是骗了大家用假死来混入这次交易的,裘花一出现,屏幕都亮了!De Luca背信弃义,杀死了买家,即得核弹又得钻石,当然了,后面有捣乱的还没出手。肥Coop居然可以一跃上了直升机就猛了……De Luca哪里是对手。。钱财两失……Aldo和Nancy居然是最后下杀手的,这剧就是新人等于开挂。。比较对得起裘花的是,最后请Coop吃饭的是MI6的Aldo,彩蛋一起在床上的是Ford……好吧,放过了裘花。。

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQAQI5O 密码: 4hhu


Spy (2015 film) 女间谍

Spy is a 2015 American action comedy film written and directed by Paul Feig.[4] The film stars Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham, Rose Byrne, Miranda Hart, Bobby Cannavale, Allison Janney, and Jude Law. The film is about the transformation of desk-bound CIA analyst Susan Cooper (McCarthy) into a field agent who attempts to foil the black market sale of a suitcase nuke.

Distributed by 20th Century Fox and produced by Feigco Entertainment and Chernin Entertainment, the film was released on June 5, 2015. Upon its release, the film received critical acclaim and has grossed over $206 million.


Susan Cooper is an unassuming, deskbound CIA analyst, and the unsung hero behind the Agency's most dangerous missions. But when her partner falls off the grid and another top agent is compromised, she volunteers to go deep undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent a global crisis. Written by 20th Century Fox


Melissa McCarthy as Susan "Coop" Cooper

Jason Statham as Rick Ford

Rose Byrne as Rayna Boyanov

Jude Law as Bradley Fine

Miranda Hart as Nancy B. Artingstall

Bobby Cannavale as Sergio De Luca

Allison Janney as Elaine Crocker

Peter Serafinowicz as Aldo

Richard Brake as Solsa Dudaev

Morena Baccarin as Karen Walker

Björn Gustafsson as Anton

Nargis Fakhri as Lia

50 Cent as himself

Zach Woods as Man in Purple Tie

Jessica Chaffin as Sharon

Will Yun Lee as Timothy Cress

Carlos Ponce as Matthew Wright

Michael McDonald as Patrick

Jamie Denbo as Casino Hostess

Ben Falcone as American Tourist

Katie Dippold as Katherine

Steve Bannos as Alan the Bartender

Mitch Silpa as Fredrick

Verka Serduchka as himself

Paul Feig as Drunken Guest at Paris Hotel


Directed by Paul Feig

Produced by Paul Feig, Jessie Henderson, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping

Written by Paul Feig

Music by Theodore Shapiro

Cinematography: Robert Yeoman

Edited by Dean Zimmerman, Don Zimmerman

Production company: Chernin Entertainment, Feigco Entertainment

Distributed by 20th Century Fox

Release dates: March 15, 2015 (SXSW), June 5, 2015 (United States)

Running time: 120 minutes

Country: United States

Language: English

Budget: $65 million

Box office: $206.5 million

热度 ( 2 )

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