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Annihilation (film) 湮灭

  哇,还好公映时没去剧院看,要睡着的致郁片,还带恐怖元素。在家看看都要睡着了,这最后的意思就是我不再是我,世界也将不再相同了。从一开始就没有挽回的希望,过程不过就是解释一个原理:DNA也被折射了所以出现了物种混乱,还有提供一系列恐怖剧恶心画面,没了。什么人性的思考啦,氛围的营造啦,没有太多剧情支撑,就是空洞。看完之后,差点以为自己理解有问题,看了好评的影评觉得:就算看懂了,我也不会认为这是个好故事,或者拍得好看。Tessa Thompson倒是惊艳了,与女武神完全是两种角色,表演层次也多,有色人种里好演员也是不少的。

  细胞生物学家Lena的丈夫去执行秘密任务之后,就消失了,十二个月后却突然出现在房间门口,然后一副什么也听不懂的样子,开始吐血之后,Lena找了救护车,但半路被南境局截停。Kane是上一次的闪光地区探险队里唯一生还的,没人知道他怎么回来的,而且全身器官衰竭,濒临死亡。Oscar Isaac与Natalie Portman组CP,感觉很怪……


  一名队员在夜晚被灰熊吃了,另一人绑住了其他三人想撤回去,但听到了呼救冲了出去,居然是吃了人的灰熊融合了临死时的恐惧,发出了人声,争斗中又死一个。剩下三人,Ventress自己收拾了一下要赶去灯塔,Josie Radek感觉到了自己与植物融合了,走向了森林。Lena依然坚定,一路从海滩到了灯塔。这里也有一台摄影机,Lena发现Kane是受不了心理和生理的变化,用磷弹自焚了,而且托付一人将自己的话带出去,那人是Kane的复制人。在灯塔底下的坑洞里,Ventress被光晕吃了,Lena凝视光晕时,自己的血流了进去,出现了一名金属人,其实就是Lena的复制人,不过刚出现,有些不适应。两人跳了一段现代舞……最后Lena找到机会,用磷弹烧了复制人,复制人引发了灯塔起火……



Annihilation (film) 湮灭

Annihilation is a 2018 science fiction psychological horror film written and directed by Alex Garland, based on the novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. It stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, and Oscar Isaac. The story follows a group of military scientists who enter "The Shimmer", a mysterious quarantined zone of mutating landscapes and transmogrifying creatures.

The film was released theatrically in Canada and the United States by Paramount Pictures on February 23, 2018, and in China on April 13, 2018. Across all three countries, it grossed $42 million against a production budget between $40–55 million. It was released digitally (by Netflix) in a number of other countries on March 12, 2018. The film received praise for its visuals, performances, direction, and thought-provoking story. According to Jonathan Pile of Empire magazine, the film addresses "depression, grief and the human propensity for self-destruction".


A biologist's husband disappears. She puts her name forward for an expedition into an environmental disaster zone, but does not find what she's expecting. The expedition team is made up of the biologist, an anthropologist, a psychologist, a surveyor, and a linguist.


Natalie Portman as Lena

Jennifer Jason Leigh as Dr. Ventress

Gina Rodriguez as Anya Thorensen

Tessa Thompson as Josie Radek

Tuva Novotny as Cassie "Cass" Sheppard

Oscar Isaac as Kane

Benedict Wong as Lomax

Sonoya Mizuno as Katie

Mizuno also portrays a humanoid

David Gyasi as Daniel


Directed by Alex Garland

Produced by Scott Rudin, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Eli Bush

Screenplay by Alex Garland

Based on: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

Music by Ben Salisbury, Geoff Barrow

Cinematography: Rob Hardy

Edited by Barney Pilling

Production company: Skydance Media, DNA Films, Scott Rudin Productions

Distributed by Paramount Pictures (North America and China), Netflix (International)

Release date: February 13, 2018 (Regency Village Theater), February 23, 2018 (United States), March 12, 2018 (United Kingdom)

Running time: 115 minutes

Country: United Kingdom, United States

Language: English

Budget: $40–55 million

Box office: $42.9 million

热度 ( 1 )

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