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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 黄金三嫖客

  没想到还有三部曲,没想到这是最后一部……比较少见的三部曲最后一部分最高,第一部分最低啊。。年轻的Clint Eastwood确实帅酷啊,当年男神了吧,不过看多了像小贝……Eli Wallach又有点像塔导,看多了这混搭有点萌……故事其实不错的,三个人交织在一起,很有内容,但镜头转换很慢很慢很慢。。可能是当年的风格吧……音乐十分诡异,特别是每次有滑稽片段出现时,用在现在可能就是恐怖片了……

  the Bad是名叫Angel Eyes的赏金猎人,他杀了要找情报的人和雇他的人,分别拿了钱,还得到一个情报:贪污了二十万美金的士兵现在改名叫Bill Carson,于是盯上了这笔不义之财。

  the Good也是一名赏金猎人,没名字,一直被叫作Blondie。从其他人手里抢到了价值一千美元的小贼Tuco,就是the Ugly。但在Tuco要被绞死时,又从远处打穿了绳索救了他。这下Tuco身价翻倍了,两人平分了赏金,决定再来一次骗赏金。Blondie认为Tuco的身价不会高过两千美元了,就收手了,把人晾在沙漠,指了去城镇的路,自己就跑了。Tuco好不容易活下来,抢了武器店老板,逮到了Blondie,要逼他上吊时,军队打到了小镇上,Blondie溜了。这居然是南北战争时期啊……

  Tuco也是厉害啊,又去找Blondie,这下倒了过来,是Blondie步行在沙漠里,差点折磨至死时,Tuco发现一辆全是死去士兵的马车,还有濒临死亡的Bill Carson。Tuco刚问出黄金在Sad Hill公墓,就急着去拿水救人,正好在Bill咽气前,Blondie听到了藏宝的墓穴。于是Tuco将Blondie带到一座修道院改的战地医院去疗伤了,这下不能让他死了。Blondie也很清楚自己掌握的情报才是保命的最佳手段,死活不说,要一起去公墓,噗,这段挺好的。而修道院的院长其实是Tuco的兄长,家里困难时期,他当了神父,还指责弟弟行为不端,Tuco也没好气,这不是自己选的。Blondie倒是对Tuco同情起来了,两人算非正式结盟了。

  恢复了之后,两人再上路,却把北方军误认为了南方军,因为两人坐了Carson的马车,成了战俘了……笑死了,蓝色制服因为灰大成了灰色的,Tuco才认错的!没想到Angel Eyes是北方军官,一心认定Tuco就是Carson,于是折磨他说出黄金所在地,可怜啊,有口难辩哈哈哈

  Angel Eyes问出了公墓之后,就让人带Tuco去行刑了,这套拷问对Blondie没用的,所以他决定与Blondie一起去找黄金。Tuco自己逃了出来,在小镇上杀死一名赏金猎人之后,又与Blondie重逢了,两人决定还是联手比较安全,杀了Angel Eyes的手下,不过让他逃了。

  在前往Sad Hill的路上,居然又遇到两军战场了,还有一座桥。两人决定炸了桥,不让任何人过去了,于是还有战场镜头了,这电影突然从西部片拔枪决斗到了战争片了,很丰富了……在生死关头,两人决定分享一下信息,Tuco说了公墓的名字,Blondie提了一个人名Arch Stanton。Tuco搞了匹马,先到了公墓,这一段的胜利者音乐和奔跑笑死了。挖到一半,Blondie带着铁铲也到了,让他继续挖。而随后Angel Eyes突然出现了,威胁Tuco打开棺材,却是空的!三个就在Blondie提议下开始三方决斗了,这场面还是很少见的。不过毕竟Blondie和Tuco还是有点情义的,一致对付Angel Eyes,直接送他进棺材了……

  黄金其实在Arch Stanton边上的无名氏墓里,最后Blondie和Tuco平分了,只是离开时,又玩了一把让Tuco吊着,他在远处开枪射绳索的把戏,吓到Tuco了……


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 黄金三嫖客

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Italian: Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo, lit. "The good, the ugly, the bad") is a 1966 epic Spaghetti Western film directed by Sergio Leone and starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach in their respective title roles. Its screenplay was written by Age & Scarpelli, Luciano Vincenzoni and Leone (with additional screenplay material and dialogue provided by an uncredited Sergio Donati), based on a story by Vincenzoni and Leone. Director of photography Tonino Delli Colli was responsible for the film's sweeping widescreen cinematography, and Ennio Morricone composed the film's score including its main theme. It was an international co-production between Italy, Spain, West Germany and the United States.

The film is known for Leone's use of long shots and close-up cinematography, as well as his distinctive use of violence, tension, and stylistic gunfights. The plot revolves around three gunslingers competing to find fortune in a buried cache of Confederate gold amid the violent chaos of the American Civil War (specifically the New Mexico Campaign in 1862), while participating in many battles and duels along the way. The film was the third collaboration between Leone and Clint Eastwood, and the second with Lee Van Cleef.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was marketed as the third and final installment in the Dollars Trilogy, following A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More. The film was a financial success, grossing over $25 million at the box office, and is credited with catapulting Eastwood into stardom. Due to general disapproval of the Spaghetti Western genre at the time, critical reception of the film following its release was mixed, but it gained critical acclaim in later years. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is now seen as one of the greatest and most influential Western movies.


Clint Eastwood as "Blondie" (a.k.a. the Man with No Name)

Lee Van Cleef as Angel Eyes

Eli Wallach as Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez (known as "The Rat" according to Blondie)

Aldo Giuffrè as Captain Clinton

Mario Brega as Corporal Wallace

Luigi Pistilli as Father Pablo Ramírez

Al Mulock as Elam

Antonio Casas as Stevens

Antonio Casale as Bill Carson/Jackson

Antonio Molino Rojo as Captain Harper

Rada Rassimov as Maria

Enzo Petito as Storekeeper

Chelo Alonso as Stevens' Wife


Directed by Sergio Leone

Produced by Alberto Grimaldi

Screenplay by Age & Scarpelli, Luciano Vincenzoni, Sergio Leone

Story by Luciano Vincenzoni, Sergio Leone

Music by Ennio Morricone

Cinematography: Tonino Delli Colli

Edited by Nino Baragli, Eugenio Alabiso

Production company: Produzioni Europee Associati, Arturo González Producciones Cinematográficas, Constantin Film, United Artists

Distributed by Produzioni Europee Associati (Italy), United Artists(US & UK)

Release date: 23 December 1966 (Italy), 29 December 1967 (United States)

Running time: 177 minutes

Country: Italy, West Germany, Spain, United States

Language: English, Italian

Budget: $1.2 million

Box office: $25.1 million


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